Jul 24, 2010

A Cambodian Woman Died, Other Five Injured Seriously From lighting Strike in Cambodia

CAMBODIA, BATTAM BONG, JULY 22, 2010-A woman died and other five people seriously injured from the lighting strike during heavy rain in O’pong Mon village, Takream commune, Banon district of Battambang province, western part of Cambodia, a police officer said on Thursday.

The lighting strike hit the tree where the victims were sheltering during the rain and it occurred about 3PM on Wednesday. A woman names Yoeun Yon, 40, died of lighting strike immediately at the scene and other five injured seriously,” But Sambo, police chief of Banon district said by phone.

Sambo continued that five injured people lost conscience at that time and they were taken to hospital and now they recovered. Last year, about 140 people were killed by lightning in Cambodia. The Cambodian authorities have always appealed repeatedly to local people about the danger of lighting strike after it showed cruelly. The authorities tell people to avoid holding iron, talking on phone and sheltering under the rain.

News from DAP-NEWS